Suicide Note
Why am I putting an end to my life?Why am I thinking of dying tonight?Nineteen years--some good, some bad;I wouldn't give up the times I've had,but it used to all be for a reason--the sun; the moon; the stars; the seasons.My whole life I told myself howfor a good tomorrow, it's worth suffering now,but the tomorrow for those dayshas long since past away.So, how can I possibly believethat any day I will receive?There's too many people living for the same dreams.Yes, everything is as black as it seems.Out of the blue, my eyes start to tear.Out of nowhere, the crying appears.Why get up each morning? Why face the day,when none of it matters anyway?Committing every hour of every dayto today and tomorrow's hard earned pay;Yeah, I know, that's what life's all about.View me as worthless. I want out.Eternal sleep sounds better to me.Hell? Nothing's worse than this life could be!I don't want to bring anybody down.I don't have anyone to hang around--Except for him; the only motivation left,but being with him means the crime of theft;Robbery of his time and soon his smile;making him live his life on trial.I can't go on.This can't go on--Wanting to share myself with him,but battling boundaries from outward in.Hoping someday to have a child,but finding out my chances are mild;My body faltering inside;making all my emotions collide.I've had it! No more!Nothing left to give.I can do better. That, I always hear.Sorry, I fucked up all the way here.I'm letting you down with the choices I make.Sorry, your life I didn't mean to take.Instead, I'll take mine.Then, all will be fine!Love's felt most at loss.Goodbye.April 28, 1994
Crossing A Bridge
An angry ocean of screaming waters;vehement wave storm; madness's daughter;towering over is a bridge of steel;the only flee from Poseidon's reel.
You say the sun is on the other side.Until I've trekked, it will continue to hide.You tell me it is safe to cross,but I stand at its head, alone and lost.It is a safe route to take,but it's one alone I must make?You told me to abide,but, where are you, my guide?Calamity plummets from the sky.This rain shall not pass me by.The only shleter from my plightis to cross and reach the other side,but I need your hand in mine,and I feel its slip grow further with time.I pray for the motivation and strengthto make it across this eternal length.April 27, 1994
It's Raining
I hear the rain tinkling,
and I have an inkling;
One I'd like to chase away;
One I just can't face.
The harder it patters,
the more it matters.
From questionable to wonderful,
from sunny to thunderful,
it was all so fantastic.
Why a turn so drastic?
What's happening?
The rain is now a drizzle.
Does that mean it will fizzle?
Oh please let this storm pass us by!
April 27, 1994
Just don't ask me how I feel,and it'll be fine.Just don't askwhat's on my mind.You had to know my heart would bleedto realize what you truly need.You chose to choose them over me,even on our anniversary.Just don't ask me how I feel,and I'll get through this ordeal.April 24, 1994
I should be smiling.It wasn't the time.
Oh,but I feel so empty.Something is missing.A part of methat wasn't whole,but part of my whole.It's gone.No!I'll never know for sure.Could I have done something?Gone--A part of me;A part of him;binding our souls forever;Taken from grasp;or was it?ORwas itsimply in my head?Blood on my sheets.Pain in my middle.Now nothing,but painin my heart.April 8, 1994
"Your uterus is enlarged,"the doctor said.Guess it wasn'tall in my head!or was it?"My guess is you're pregnant,but I can't tell for sure.I'll need a sonogramto tell me more."The first test said 'yes.'My heart skipped a beatCould I be ready for little feet?I wasn't sureuntil just then.It felt real.I started to yen,but then I wondered,was it too late?
Blood was dripping from inside.Did I defeat fate?What would've been?What could've been?What might've been?What should've been?or, was it all in my head?Lab work says 'no.'My heart says 'yes.'Well, maybe not now,but before I guess.After all, it's for the best,right?God, give me the strengthto get through the night.A part of me has died,and left my skin.I have lostsomething within.or is it all in my head?April 8, 1994
Heart Of Gold
Heart of gold--that's what he has;24-karat, solidglittering mass;Heart of goldreaching out;realizing too latewhat love's about;Heart of goldbreaking inside;trying to move on;trying not to cry;Heart of goldbleeding;Heart of gold;needing;
Heart of gold,Sorry I can't beyour heart's companion.It's just not me.Heart of gold,know I tried.In spite of hurt,I never lied.Heart of goldbeating for me,someday you'll seeI'm not what you make me out to be.Heart of gold,you've done so much.I thank you for each word; each touch.Heart of gold,I pray for your smile.I hope it comesafter a while.Heart of gold,stay pure.Someday you'll findwhat you're looking for.Heart of gold,I hold you close.You always werea precious rose.April 7, 1994
My Ego
Lonely girl;new town;strange peoplebringing her down;Trying to keepher spirits high,she searches to finda new life.Then, he's thereat her feet.The same questions,he repeats.Alhough agreeingwould not be right,his asking makes her smile so bright.Through thick and thin,up and down,five years later,he's still around.A friendship bondthat's one-of-a-kind;fun and specialhard to find.After all this time,he still touches deep.He's always boostedher self-esteem.You are my ego.Who knows what I'd bewithout you.I cannot see.You are my ego,but also my friend;close to my heartuntil the end.You are my ego.I owe you my confidence.It's you I'm indebted tofor pride and self-acceptance.April 6, 1994
After all the frustrationand the fear,I am overwhelmedby what I hear.Jubilanceradiates through me;Through my body,a tingling stream.So used to wordsultimately hurtingfor just being words--shaded and curving.To find thathe looks at me so;What's come over me?I feel as thoughmy heart is pumpingjoy through my veins.The feeling--ecstatic;consuming the painFor him to thinkhe has to stretchto be on my level;to me impress?when I'm in love with him for his geniusand have such faithin his success;To find thathe feels as though,just to converse with me,he must grow?Now in a wayI'm dependent on him.He's the foundationof my every whim.Alas! This is whatlove's all about.It took so damn long to figure it out.April 4, 1994