After all the frustrationand the fear,I am overwhelmedby what I hear.Jubilanceradiates through me;Through my body,a tingling stream.So used to wordsultimately hurtingfor just being words--shaded and curving.To find thathe looks at me so;What's come over me?I feel as thoughmy heart is pumpingjoy through my veins.The feeling--ecstatic;consuming the painFor him to thinkhe has to stretchto be on my level;to me impress?when I'm in love with him for his geniusand have such faithin his success;To find thathe feels as though,just to converse with me,he must grow?Now in a wayI'm dependent on him.He's the foundationof my every whim.Alas! This is whatlove's all about.It took so damn long to figure it out.April 4, 1994
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