Stuck In The Prologue
My mind has turned to a faceless page,leaving me imprisoned in my psyche's cage.Major determinants in my future's existenceare filling me with want but resistance.Where shall I go from here?
My veins quickly surge with fear.I think I know what Iwant,but, Oh, how the demons taunt.Impossibility blackens such color,and sadly there is no rebuttle.No fight do I have for fate;the only hope I have is wait,but that doesn't guarantee much.It's as helpful as a broken crutch.Why is it I always come so close?It never quite comes before it goes.My mind has actually offered me a peekof what heaven is--a pleasure leak?I even caught a glimpse of Earth,and my heart immediately valued its worth.I can see nights illuminated and alive,and I can feel more pump and drive,but obstacles hinder.The flame kindles.Oh! What shall surface the pages to come?
I don't know whether to embrace or run.I'll just try to hold back tears,wondering how to get through these years.October 1, 1994Labels: 1994
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