Magic Carpet
I am so alone.Scarlet spiral,twirling in an eternity,upon a carpet of indigo,stop at my feet and whisk me away.Rescue me from these depths:these decrepid cellars below and beneath happiness;reeking of mildew and dripping with the pungentleaks of faltering pipes;The graying of this windowless room;loneliness seeping in from the dingy corridors;colorless rats creeping across the pavement,moistened with dampened dirt and urin,curdling between my toes;The shackles on my feet;the rags on my body;the screams reverberating in the distance,familiar to my ears,for they come from my own mouth.No signs of light;no ray or beam in sight;Where is my saviorto fly me away?Scarlet spiral,twirling in an eternityupon a carpet of indigo..July 20, 1994
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