Fireplace Fantasy
A flame dances in the dark.Hot and steamy crackling sparksheating up a cold room;sending smoke through the flume.Outside the ground is blanketed white.The stars are twinkling, vivid and bright.Leaves rustling in the breezesail from the frozen trees.A fresh pine scent creeps through the cracksbetween the logs and lumber stacks.On the would-be cold, hard floor,lies the hide of a Grizzly who lives no more.The warm fur carpeting the groundand the chilly night whispers of no sound;You and I sharing strawberries and wine;romantically cuddling as we dine;Illumination by only the fire's light,yet a mutual gift of wondrous sight;Graceful snowflakes drifting outside;Squirrels searching for a place to hide;Here with you, and you with me;This is my ideal fantasy.March 10, 1992
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